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October 2022

Clinically proven skincare VS Marketing

Clinically proven skincare VS Marketing

Raise your hand if you have at least one beauty product labelled as “active” at home? Yes, of course you do. In fact, most people do, as “active” skincare has gained a great reputation over the last few years - and rightly so, but do these...

WOW fusion® for Seborrhoea

Many skin conditions although very common, aren’t often spoken about. Take dandruff for example - it affects 11% of the population worldwide, however, because people tend to be embarrassed by it (after all, it’s not exactly something you’d bring up over dinner!), they simply don’t...


Microneedling explained

Microneedling has recently become more and more popular, thanks to influencers and models alike posting about their skincare routines on the Gram. But, is microneedling really for everyone? Here’s everything you need to know about microneedling…     What is Microneedling? Micro-needling is a medical procedure used by aesthetic practitioners...